
INTERNET OF BINS (“Joint Initiatives for Smart and Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management”) is a project co-funded under the Interreg IPA CBC Programme “Greece – Albania 2014 – 2020” and adopts a very promising combined model, comprising of three “Pillars”:

– Integrated “Smart” Waste Management solution/Capacity Improvement: Installation of Smart Waste Management and Monitoring Telematic Equipment (Bins’ Monitoring System-Ultrasonic Filling Sensors and Software Application, Waste Management Supplies).

– Visual disturbance reduction: Installation of Underground Waste Collection Systems at critical points and

– Eco-friendly approaches for waste management: Supply and Distribution of Compost Bins (Household waste purposes), Awareness campaigns, Waste Management Optimization and Monitoring Plans (Data Analysis and Management Plan), Thematic informational mobile and web applications.


This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are sole responsibility of the Municipality of Ziros and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat.


This project is co-funded by the European Union and by National Funds of the participating countries under the Cooperation Programme  "INTERREG-IPA CBC GREECE-ALBANIA 2014-2020"

Lead Beneficiary

Municipality of Ziros
Gennimata Square, 48200, Filippiada
Phone: +302683024667
Email: info@dimoszirou.gr

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